Wednesday 28 October 2009

Shauns Message

To give us help with the project Shaun emailed us all a link to a youtube video. The video used LA as an example of a place that had been destroyed, being completely inhabitable, but as a result a new place was born...Chlorafillia. Chlorafillia was created in the absence and loss of LA in 2106.
This video would have been extremely weird to have stumbled across had I not have been in this module, but having started on similar work and beginning to look at Stonehouse, particularly Union Street and how it may look in the future, I definitely understood the video and the task of transforming the Stonehouse are made much more sense.

I think now that we have this video to look at and compare it to the different kinds of projects we're all trying to achieve, this will come in handy for seeing the kind of end result Shaun is looking for from us.

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