Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Map Development

This is the image gained once all of the groups individual inputs have been combined.

This is the map that has been generated by adding all our variable factors of the group with the map removed.
  • The orange elipses are present to represent green areas of Stonehouse. Area's where large field or grass spaces can be found. These are likely to be area's that children, dog walkers, joggers and any people who may wish to visit to relax.
  • The purple lines show light and are directioned in a way that the light is dispersed. It is clear that there is a lot of light in and around the built up areas of Stonehouse where buildings and roads are due to street lamps, vehicle lights, mobile phone display screens and the projection of light from peoples home windows. There are lines that point out to sea, representing the light spilling out of the area into darkness, which could also show light pollution.
  • The light shaded green clouded cone area's represent viewpoints of the Stonehouse area where people are able to see for a long distance ahead. The line of sight is much longer in these area's than in any others.
  • The darker green curved and waved lines are present indicating organic area's. Places in Stonehouse that are not built up and consist of natural space.
  • The Black highlighted lines cover the roads, specifically Union street that have a heavy flow of traffic in both directions, but also will have speed limits to control the vehicles passing through.

Once our group had discussed all the individual factors that made up the new map, we all went for a walk to the Stonehouse area sharing ideas and taking photograph's of buildings and roads, and green spaces that may be significant to our project.
We focussed mainly on Union street as this was the main stretch of road and would have the highest concentration of traffic.
The time we walked down was between 15:30 - 15:00, which will be taken into account when comparing traffic density and flow to other times of the day.

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