Tuesday 27 October 2009

HTML code: Forms

Forms are very important in the way that they give the ability to allow website users to give their personal details securely online, these are used in order to make payments, including address information for deliveries, contact details such as email address and phone numbers, as well as contacting the website for any inquiries or feedback.

This is an example of a form I made as an exercise to practice writing code:

User Details

Please Enter Details
Personal Details:

First Name:


Your Gender:

Address: (Line 1)

Address: (Line 2)


Post Code/Zip


Contact Details:



Email Address:

Confirm Email & Add Password:



Confirm Password:

Remember Me: Yes

I will be using the same style of form when building my own website. The form will be used in the Contact page which will enable people to input their name, email address and a short message, aswell as a check box and submit details button. I want to keep the form on my website as short as possible as this makes it more likely for people to want to leave a message because lets face it, who wants to spend ages filling in forms just to be able to leave a short message.

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