Tuesday 27 October 2009

Postcard Development

Still focusing on the traffic that flows down Union street, I have decided to look at traffic at night for my postcard photo.
This idea came about by browsing my travel photos, when i stumbled across a couple of photos I took in Australia of traffic traveling over the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

These photos were taken with a slower shutter speed as it was dark and allows the camera to take in more light for a clearer picture. However, as a result of this the traffic cannot be clearly picked up as a clear image as they are moving too fast for the slow rate of the shutter, giving a smudge/blurred effect.

Final Decision:

I have decided I will use the same principal of traffic moving and taking a picture during the evening/night with a slow shutter speed. this will give the desired effect of strong light but blended traffic.

I haven't yet decided whether or not I am going to take a photo inside a car looking out, or of vehicles passing from outside, but i particularly liked this photo I found browsing Google images.

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