Friday, 20 November 2009

Website Improvements

If I were to know then what I know now, then I would definitely start the site much earlier than i did this time. This is because I am new to this and took me a lot longer to solve problems and remove any errors from my code than I would have liked. I would have also added extra code in my validation form that asks for a valid email address by checking if the email address entered had '@' symbol in it somewhere. I had previously had a code for this, but the alerts suddenly stopped working when it was added, but did once I took the email validation out. After hours of looking over again and again I could not find any problem with it, so I eventually gave in and left it out as I would rather have the majority working than none at all.
I would have also liked to have added a photo gallery to display some of my traveling photos to link to my traveling section in my 'About Me' page.
Considering this is the first website I have ever produced I feel that it was a good effort and has definitely helped me in understanding the code I have learned and being able to apply it to a project. It also helped having a project that people care about because I wanted to have a website that looked good and was pleasing to the audience. This meant I was more determined to get the code correct throughout the website to keep it as good as it could be.

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