Tuesday 17 November 2009

Personal Development Planner - PDP

Personal Development Planners, abbreviated to PDP are extremely useful methods of providing a clear focus on your goals and gives you the ability to manage how to achieve them. They also provide deeper learning which is an essential skill and something that enables you to become more independent and use initiative with how to improve on your own progress.
PDP's also makes you much more reflective in the way that you can see exactly what you what, how you will achieve it and how you will know when it has been achieved. By carrying out this strategy of problem solving it allows you to see what you have achieved, giving more confidence and to be able to be proud of yourself, not to be disappointed. It also helps identify opportunities that may perhaps not have been originally discovered, which in turn improves your performance.
Notice in all of that text, the words you, your and yourself were repeatedly used throughout, emphasising that the personal part of this planner is key in making it succeed. It must be goals specific to you, created by you, else it will not work. Tasks set to achieve all goals must be smart, being within capability and in a realistic time zone.
They can be used for Academic education, your personal lives and/ or careers.
Below is an example of how you could carry out this planner that I have completed. It doesn't have to be in this structure however, I just found this easier to use as it is clear and each goal, action, evidence and target time to be achieved are set out in a way that is visibly quick and easy to refer back to.

My PDP: Click on image below to view

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