Saturday, 21 November 2009

More Methods Of Collecting Data

A more advanced method of tracking peoples paths and recording data other than pictures being taken could be sensors. The resulting information can be then put into diagrams for a visual display of how people interact in our chosen environment. This would also be useful in determining the most appropriate place and position for our projection piece.
An example of how this could be done is shown below, taken from Antisymmetric Space blog, sent to us by Shaun to have a look at.
Below is a video that shows how the data put into the a visual form and changes depending on the result of the data.

Untitled from Sergio Irigoyen on Vimeo.

Although using sensors to collect the information we need to interact with passing people is a very effective and interesting method, I will still be focusing on taking photos to record their movements. This is because by using this idea, the data is already in a visual form and can be easily seen and interpreted on where the people are and in return giving us our suitable projection place. Also, I find that photos are easily understood by people, as it is an exact print of how it is, so once we as a group have gathered them, and transformed the data we have found into something else that can be projected will be a much greater impact to the people we are trying to interact with, also making the progress of work along the way much more interesting.

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