Saturday 17 April 2010

Processing Ideas:

After several weeks of tutorials on Processing it was now time to use what we had been taught to design our own sketches for an end of term assignment. There are many many different sketches Processing allows users to create, however the amount of sketches I personally was capable of achieving were minimal. The brief included having to have the Arch-os files of one of the university buildings to control the processing animation. I decided that I wanted to choose the temperature of the ground floor, and would design a sketch that fit this changing factor.
I visited and I got many ideas for what I wanted to achieve with my design. I wanted a circle in the middle
of the sketch that appeared to go round, and changing colour depending on the temperature. Red for hot, green for an 'in the middle' temperature and blue for cold.
After browsing I found some code that I was able to
modify to change the sketch to fit my design plan. Below are print screens of the different temperatures being displayed. I used 'if' statements to control which colours were displayed.

If cold:
If warm:

If hot:
These are early sketched of the design. With each new ellipse drawn I changed the 'r, g, b' values to random(255) to change the shades of each of them to give the effects shown above. The circles are also constantly being redrawn so it is constantly updated and shows movement.
I still want to add other elements to the sketch, but will wait until I have the Arch-os working to control it, at this stage I have simply given the temperature a standing value to test each of the statements. So far though, a good start.

To make the circle follow the circumference of a bigger circle in the centre of the sketch I used a tutorial which used cos and sin in mathematics. I then placed the centre of the large circle to the middle of the page by positioning it to half the width and height, (height/2), (width/2).

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