Wednesday, 24 March 2010

more arduino shiz:

After several weeks of tinkering with the Arduino board, light sensors and trying to get Arduino to communicate with Flash, we were finally able to get all of it working. The light sensor was used to trigger the Arduino programme to trigger Flash into displaying the projection. Once all was set up, we took a video to show this working, shown below:

Clearly this is only a working prototype as the intended environment for this setup is the crossing at traffic lights as I have previously explained in previous posts.
The Arduino board as a sensor shield attached, with a light sensor and LED. Once the Arduino board was connected to a laptop we were able to use Arduino and Flash together to create the projection that was shown in the video. The idea is that the LED represented the light displayed on a zebra crossing, and once that was picked up by the light sensor, the Arduino programme picked up that the LED was on. This was read by flash and on this trigger began a timer. The timer would count the time lapsed during the time the LED was last on. Once the LED was picked up again, flash would then display words that were had the opposite meaning to how Stonehouse was. This reason for this is we were displaying words that were not how Stonehouse was at all but by projecting positive words on the street would slightly improve it for passes by using the crossings at traffic lights. The positive words we decided to display in the projection were words like beautiful, creative, inspiration, happy, colourful etc.

Now that we know the set up and general concept works in the classroom we are now able to set the projection up in our desired location.

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