Wednesday 17 March 2010

Arduino With Flash:

Now we have fairly strong idea of where we want to take the project, we can develop more on the stages we need to complete to get the idea into a working project. As we managed to get the light sensor working with the LED and Arduino board we can now work on how we are going to involve the projector. We felt that the best way to make the projection itself was by using flash. This can be done as the light sensor can only record two pieces of data, which is off, and on. Off and on is represented in data as zero (0) and one (1), zero being off and one being on. Because of this, we can use Action script in flash to determine weather the projection is displayed or not. An alternative to this could be a projection is always displayed, but depending what the value is of the light sensor (0 or 1), will determine which image is shown.

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