Wednesday 17 February 2010

Arduino Boards:

This module has now taken a leap into a new way of interacting with our audience in the Stonehouse area. By using low tech sensors and actuators connected to an Arduino board, there are many different ways we can develop a project that can interact with people by changes in the environment.

An Arduino board is a printed circuit board with a processor that works along side arduino programming to manipulate its analogue/digital outputs/inputs.
Arduino boards require simple scripting from Arduino software to be programmed to control the behaviour of its pins. The Arduino programming can also be used along side Processing to produce interesting projects.

To look up this example, check out

Below is a video that shows a few examples of some low tech sensors and actuators. A sensor picks up a change in its surroundings therefore reacts as a response. By combining all of these the potential for interaction with passers by is enormous. I have now used the Arduino board as well as currently learning processing in IDAT 102, with this and the research I have now done there are many ideas me and my group have to play with.

Low tech sensors and actuators:

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