Sunday 13 December 2009

Related Media:

The video below is an advert that I happened to catch on TV and made me immediately think about this current project and the direction it is taking. Shown in previous posts the focus of my work has now become light focused and the effect it can have on it surroundings. I am also lookin at trying to communicate with an audience which happens to be any people in the area at the time.
This caught my attention as the light shown looks exactly like it does in the LAPP art works, appearing as though it is an image caught by a camera set with a long exposure to a light source. It also interested me as this is introduced as a movie clip, following the Ford Focus which again is done to give the effect that the car gains attention.
I think this kind of video would be very exciting to attempt to recreate in some way and would definitely be a creative method of expressing the way that light can change an environment or communicate to the surrounding people in different ways.

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