Wednesday 9 December 2009

Looking At A More Controlled Image

As shown in the post: A Drive Down Stonehouse, alot of the images taken that night were extremely blurred with a high number of light streams that were visible in all directions. To now take those images and turn them into something we can actually use, I looked at Simon Winters Blog who has been doing a very similar project as what I am looking into.
The following images show how light has been blurred, but still show an element of control. The lights are produced by red LED's along the side of the body and photographs capture movements made. Once a number of images have been captured they can be put together to make the complete scene of motion.
As shown above, it is clear that the side of the body cannot be seen, but the LED's make up the rest of the image to create the full picture. They also show exactly what could be seen by the images I had taken on my trip down Stonehouse, but in a much more controlled manor.
By using these images to refer to, I can be able to take the images from the previous visit to Stonehouse and try to create a similar single image, but by using all images taken.

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