Saturday 12 December 2009

More Inspiration:

Now that we as a group have decided to communicate our project in the use of light in dark environments, I decided to look into existing projects that consisted of similar qualities.
LAPP - light Art Performance Photography is the effect light sources can have to a single image (one-shot) when the shutter is open to a long exposure. This image captured in this method are not tampered with in any way using any computer software and created extremely beautiful works of art. It originally came from light drawing and then developed into its own form of art.
The photo's below, are all one photograph, taken with one camera, with no enhancements or adjustments by any means. All photos taken from: website.

These photographs are absolutely outstanding. The fact that not one of them has been edited or manipulated in any way and is purely just the result of one camera's settings are able to produce such amazing images. They are also directly related to the direction of the project I am looking forward to producing. I have been interested in this type of photography for a long time and can definitely be recognised in similar posts. To now see such art that is related to the kind of photography I wish to achieve is definitely exciting. The focus of light in all of these photo's is exactly what I am looking for and and will definitely be an extremely useful source in helping me with generating similar works of my own.

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