Wednesday 9 December 2009


This is a similar way in which a flat surface can become an interactive object with users (audiences) who are in the vicinity. However, this is not the same as this flat surface has a number of individual tiles that are attached to pistons on the back. These pistons can be programed to open and close in different times to each other that can create an actual moving wall. This definitely wins the attention of people as 3D objects are much more easily identified and this particular was can be physically interacted with.
In the video below it shows how people can lean against the wall, but once the wave of pistons reaches them they are literally pushed off.

This is not entirely what we as a group are focusing on producing, but this certainly proves for useful research into developing a successful way of interacting with people in and around out chosen location. By using such images in out video as 3D shapes, or almost by creating a 3D movement could provide us with the edge we need to attract people attention.

Interactive Surfaces Controlled By User:

As well as the video above, I have come across another video from Youtube that not only has a series of motors that change the position of the tiles on the wall surface, but is actually controlled by the person in front of it. This works by using a computer to capture the image of the person in front of the surface, taking the black and white scale, and corresponding the result to an angle to face the tiles.
This is explained below:

Again, we are not looking to recreate this, but I find it very useful when finding and researching on things that are likely to attract peoples attention, so my groups video can achieve the same.
Another factor involved in the success of this mirror is that it only works when strong light is facing down onto the wooden tiles from directly above. My group and I have all been focusing on light for the past couple of weeks so this also helps with this.
I am now going to be looking even more a light and trying to find a way that light communicates with things and people it surrounds.

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