Friday 15 January 2010

Our Findings:

After going down to Union Street with the group and taking readings along different point at the site, we managed to gain a list of results as shown below:

Bluetooth data:
Marcus PNot Assigned
Smurf :)
Hoegarth the..
SGM - E2500V
x * Kath * x
SS230X Lush X puppy x
Alex brav
Nokia 6700cla..
Ali Kat
Mark James

Once I had all the names recorded I was able to produce a map with all the names found on our bluetooth device and where they were found on the map of union street. We stayed focus on Union Street as this was the focal point of our site from last term.
The blue spheres represent the bluetooth signals given off, with the bluetooth names inside to show which signals were where. The red line in the middle is simply to highlight Union Street.

To pick up all the bluetooth devices in the area, me and my group decided to record one device on one side of the road, and cross over to pick up a different signal and continued to do this through out the journey which gave a zig-zag effect. Below is the path we took shown in black.

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